Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why do we try so hard?

What is it about the human desire for companionship that causes us to try too hard, too much, in such a way that demeans not only ourselves, but those whose attention we wish to attract? Would any love we found in such a way truly be worth it? Also, what does it say about the worth of that love, if it came from a debased source?

Perhaps it started out with the romance game shows of the previous decades, but whatever good intent was in those types of shows has devolved into a freak show where people and their emotions are the playthings of editors and producers who seemingly could care less about someone finding love, so long as they get good ratings. Is it worth it? Is whatever fleeting attraction, as well as the destruction that often comes with it, worth it?

Maybe that's my problem, with respect to relationships, in that I expect and give respect, thus I don't throw myself out there in the same way others do.

Is that what we have to do in order to find someone? Are we expected to totally reject our own self-worth, as well as find someone who is rejec their own, just to then have to re-build ourselves together, hoping it doesn't self-destruct, either?

Who knows, I know that I don't, but I also know that services like eHarmony, Match, and so forth have agendas of their own that are not in the direct and best interests of their clients. Plus, to be quite honest, their process doesn't seem to be about honest, but a new version of saying what someone wants to hear.

Anyhow, enough blathering, it's borderline Emo and I'd prefer to avoid that. ;)


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Self Realization Statement

I am not a pervert, however I am a letch and I am quite okay with this fact of life. While I enjoy looking at lovely ladies and letting them know that I find them attractive, I do understand civility and limitations, thus I am quite respectful, even if a bit coarse.

Personally, I do not see anything wrong with letting a lovely lady know that she is lovely, however I do see something wrong with turning women into objects, as it makes it easier to ignore them if they say "no." Thus, I am a letch, not a rapist. I will flirt with a lady, comment within reason, which is directly dependant with the comfort level between myself and the lady.

It is really that simple, guys, and there is not need to say a woman is a lesbian just because she rejects you, since by that logic any guy who rejects a woman would be gay. Seriously, it is quite acceptable to know that she is just not into you, just like you are not into her, so do not be a dick about it and mess things up for the rest of us.

Pax vobiscum.