Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WTF?!?! - Where's Matt LeBlanc been?

It's been almost three years since Joey went poof, admist the whole wife/divorce/dating co-star stuff, and Matt LeBlanc has been nowhere that I can think of - WTF?!?!

How can someone go from being that huge, that over the top famous and then, suddenly, just disappear. Him and Andrea Anders are still reported together, with her getting her own show, but is he seriously so over that she is now more bankable?

Damn, weird stuff, in television land.

I hate Jack Shephard...


I've hated Jack, pretty much, since the first episode of Lost for reason that are more guttural than cerebral and I still hate him. I enjoy the actor, Matthew Fox, in previous works, but the character of Dr. Jack Shephard is someone that I don't like, almost without question.

While Jack might have some strong points, I just don't like the guy and I feel he's an ass that irks me more often than naught. If Lost were D&D then Jack Shephard would be a Paladin, but instead of using a realistic version of Lawful Good he'd be using the stereotypical model of Lawful Stupid. You know the type who is judgmental beyond reason, causing interparty strife, because they're not getting their way, and are generally annoying jerkwards.

That's Jack Shephard and I wish the black smoke would give him a colonoscopy, without any warning, lubrication, or spooning.

Maybe it's that I like Sawyer and Jack is a pain in the butt to him, maybe it's because I like Kate and feel that Jack belittles her a lot, maybe it's because I like Kate and Sawyer together, but I really hate Jack. Jack listens to folks until the folks have a different opinion of him, then suddenly they're persona non gratis and he downs them and fights them tooth and nail.

Sure, that might be admirable, except that Jack is wrong so much of the time that someone should just slap the crap out of him, tell him that he should only worry about being a doctor and that's it. Hell, maybe they should have killed him off, first episode, like they said they were gonna do....damn writers, the one time they have an idea I like, they don't do it.

So, in closing, frak jack, jack sucks.
